Saturday, June 30, 2007

10 Squares for Greensburg!

Here are 10 more squares I have completed for Greensburg. I am going to send off my 15 squares this week.

I have added up everyone's squares and updated the sidebar. Please let me know if I missed anything. Thanks.

Friday, June 29, 2007

More Squares

I am mailing more squares today. To the Greensburg project I am sending 8 squares. To Share a Square I am sending 4 ( just can't get the right gauge with the yarn I am using, giving up on this yarn, purchasing new).

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Last 2 for Greensburg

Here are the last two facecloths for Greensburg. I plan to mail off my package if not this weekend definitely the weekend after July 4th. I haven't had much time to make any progress on G's mitered square blanket the past couple of days but I do have another square on the needles.

These two facecloths were made with US # 10.5 needles holding two strands of Peaches N Creme worsted weight cotton yarn together (one varigated and one white). I cast on 25 stitches and just knitted them in garter stitch until they were about 7-8" long (really didn't measure them but I did eyeball them enough to see they were the size of a regular washcloth).

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

More squares

I crocheted 4 granny squares last night, it was fun, I'll be shipping those and whatever I get done tonight this Friday. The grannies are fun and then I'll start some square for Gracious Parcels. I have done squares for GP before, keep checking firefly's blog as she will post pictures of the squares and the completed afghans, always fun to pick out the squares I have sent.

2 More "Squares" Charities!

I have found 2 more charities that are collecting squares, and I wanted to pass along the info to all of you.

The first charity is called "Gracious Parcels" (blog here), and they are collecting 7" knitted squares that are being made into afghans for people who are moving into houses built by Habitat for Humanity. What a lovely housewarming gift!

Then, Krystal, over at Krochet Krystal, is looking for 6.5" squares made from her own pattern, which she will send you if you promise to make a square and send it back to her. She is assembling all the squares into blankets to be donated somewhere. The pattern is a cute daisy square, and one of my July goals will be to make at least one, if not more, to send to her.

Add those to Share a Square and Rebuilding Greensburg, and there's just no end to the afghan squares you can make this summer!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

More Squares!

Sorry for not posting in so long -- things have been a little crazy over in my neck of the woods. If you care to read about it -- you can do so here. I have been working on mitered squares for the wedding (possibly Christmas) gift I intend on giving G for us to use once it gets finished. I tell ya I am very impressed with what is going on with all the mitered squares! Love the progress that Lindsey-Jane is making.

Here is a picture of five more for me:

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Progress on Squares

My sock yarn stash mitred square blanket is difficult to photo as it is the width of a double bed, but I tried to capture the idea. The squares are not knit separately but each is knit individually before the next can be started.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Squares for Greensburg

I have made 7 squares this week and will be putting them in mail tomorrow. Tonight I am starting on the granny squares. Hope you all have had a great week.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Share a Square and a Mini Contest!

If any of you crochet, I just ran into another charity project called "Share a Square". The woman running the project is looking for traditional 6" granny squares that will be made into blankets for children attending cancer camp next summer. Luckily, I have 11 squares already made that I am going to send along to her.

Now, I have decided that, even though we are a small group, I want to really encourage everyone to post as much as possible. Of course, in order to post, you need to have something to post about, so hopefully this will also encourage you to make lots of squares as well. So I have decided to have a mini contest! Every time you post to the blog between now and Saturday, July 7th, your name will be entered into a drawing. The more times you post, the more chances you have to win. I will draw a name on Sunday, July 8th and mail the prize off before I leave for the Knit and Crochet Show the following Thursday. And the prize?

One skein of Knit Picks Shimmer in the "Morning Mist" colorway. Shimmer is 70% alpaca and 30% silk, and the skein is 440 yards. So there you have it. Happy posting!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

3 for Greensburg!

Here are 3 squares I made this weekend for Rebuilding Greensburg:

Monday, June 18, 2007

Rebuilding Greensburg Squares

Here is a picture of Rebuilding Greensburg Squares #11-#16.
Now all I need to do is finish 2 facecloths and I will be ready to send this package off to Mrs. Laura.
I will be beginning my mitered squares for my own blanket now. I think I will try to get enough squares made to put it together as a wedding gift for G or at least that is the plan right now depends on how things go with all this other stuff we are doing.
Edit: After catching up on some blog reading I came back to this post and looked at my squares. It never dawned on me until today that I had knit 4 Harry Potter inspired squares (they may not be exact colors but close enough)--the ones on the left are a dead ringer match for Ravenclaw (book and movie colors), Gryffindor, and Slytherin. I don't own any black yarn so Hufflepuff just will have to be left out.

Oh and look---
My dad brought me this shirt back from his motorcycle trip. You can read more about that over in my blog.

Friday, June 15, 2007

3, Working on 4

I decided that I would get the shop involved with Project Linus here locally. I met with the director of the local chapter on Monday and we are now going to be a pick up point and will be sponsoring a monthly gathering. Here are the first 3 blocks of an original design especially for Project Linus.

I'm doing a modular mitered construction (hate, hate, hate sewing things together!) so these are being "joined" as I go. They are actually going to look like diamonds as the blanket is going to be attached to a felted fish pillow. Hard to explain but you will see as I go. Once I'm done, I'll post the free pattern. I also plan to get some blocks done for the Greensburg project. This is a great idea and look forward to seeing more of everyone's work.

Just noticed how my colors match your blog......

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Progress slows...

My knitting progress has slowed somewhat due to having switched patterns. I went from miters to the square pattern where you begin with just 2 stitches and I just don't knit those quite as fast. I am working on square #13 of 15 I plan to send to Rebuilding Greensburg and I still have 2 more facecloths to knit for them also. I will post pictures as soon as they are finished!
Happy Knitting!
I look forward to seeing pictures of everyones squares.



I just joined, I have been knitting square for Greensburg and I found your blog through Cole's blog. I live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, I am a native Floridian. I am married to Steve and I work as a Legal Assistant for a large law firm in Miami, Florida. Square are great for summer, too hot to knit anything else down here. I have sent to mailings of about 10 squares each for Greensburg. I am presently working on my third package. I look forward to chatting with you.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Face Cloths it is!

Well, I only heard back from one of you, so I am assuming face cloths are ok with everyone. This reminds me that I have some cotton chenille in my stash that needs used up, so I may join Cole and make a couple of cloths for Greensburg too.

I also realized that I didn't post my new afghan square project over here. So, without further ado, I give you my watermelon afghan square:

I am using 3 colors of Caron Simply Soft Brites, the pattern for the "Babette" square, and an H hook. Each square is 10", so I should need 24 squares for a 40"X60" afghan. I am currently working on the first 10 squares at once, so I am getting close to half way there. When this is finished, I intend to donate it to either Project Linus or Blankets for the Gulf. I should add that it is one of the most fun projects I have ever worked on!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

This and That

I have been contemplating Cole's question about making face cloths in addition to afghan squares as part of this "along". I'm ok with it, since they are square, but I wanted to check with the other members to see what you think. I don't want someone thinking, "That's not what I signed up for". So please leave a comment and let me know if you have any objections.

Also, in case you don't read Laura's blog, I wanted to let you know that she has requested that all squares for Rebuilding Greensburg be in the mail by August 10th. She would like to start sorting squares on August 15th. She has also doubled her original goal to 2240 squares, enough to make 40 afghans. So there is plenty of work to be done there yet! Also, if you need a little more incentive, Criquette is having a contest to encourage everyone to make even more squares for Greensburg.

And finally, I want to extend a big welcome to all our new members! Our numbers are starting to grow. Also, I am going to add a new list to the sidebar, so that we can keep track of how many squares everyone has made. Right now, I think Cole is in the lead with 10. So keep knitting and crocheting, and keep those posts coming!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Greensburg Squares.

Here is a picture of 5 more squares that will be included in my package to Rebuilding Greensburg.

Total knit squares: 10


Hi All,

I'm new to the KAL and have enjoyed looking at everyone's squares. I am a long time knitter and crocheter and have made several afghans out of granny squares in the past. What I am really eager to learn is how to knit a mitered square afghan where one does not have to sew together all those squares. I have tons of leftover sock yarn I'd love to use up.
I'm also a rippler and have two afghans going now-a knitted Abfab Kit by Colinette in feather and fan, and a multicolored Susan B ripple that I am crocheting in lots of different Red Heart colors.
Thanks for letting me join, and I am eager to learn and help others. Squares are so easy and cool to do in the summer.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Squares #4 and possibly #5??

I have 2 more completed squares that are going to be included in my shipment to Rebuilding Greensburg ---- one is an afghan square (#4) and the other is a facecloth (#5?).

Mrs. Priscilla since you are in charge I have a question for you:
Can facecloths and washcloths be counted as squares if they are going to a charity organization?
I was just curious about this because I have some cotton yarn I need to turn into something.

For those who don't know me -- I am Cole. I learned to knit about 3 summers ago from my Nana. I mostly knit gifts for others and items for charity organizations; you can also check out all of my little quirkiness out at my blog to see other things I am working on. I am so glad that Priscilla came up with this fabulous idea for the Summer of Squares. This will be a great experience to give to others in need and to dwindle down a lot of my one skien of all the colors I have hidden away in my stash. I don't have enough of one color to make anything big so I will definitely be able to crank out a lot of square variations.
Lyndsey-Jane: I can't wait to see how your sock yarn blanket turns out.
Priscilla: Your squares are always pretty.
I would like to donate something for the prizes -- if anything comes to mind please let me know.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Hi I'm Lyndsey-Jane. I am currently knitting a mitred square blanket out of old sock yarn leftovers. The pattern is by the Shelly Kang and the tutorial for it can be found scroll down on its on the sidebar.
It is slightly different as the squares are not knit seperately - but I am assured as they are squares I am still eligable for this KAL. I don't have any photos at the moment as my camara is currently enjoying a (unexpected) stay at my boyf family.
Two squares and one in progress to show off today:

I hope to make a total of 7 squares this month to send off to Rebuilding Greensburg. So far I am starting on my 4th one, at this pace I may end up sending them more.

One More Square for Greensburg

I'm having a busy week, but I managed to finish one more square for Greensburg last night.

You can read all about my trials and tribulations with knitting on the bias on my blog. Mostly I'm unhappy because it isn't truly square. I think my next square for Greensburg is either going to be a mitered square like Cole's or crocheted. I haven't decided which yet.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Hello ya'll!
I just wanted to let you guys know about this pattern. It is a super easy mitered square pattern and I have fallen in love! I thought it would be neat to share it with everyone. It is a super stash buster too. I have knitted up several balls out of my stash using it. I promise to post pictures by Saturday at the lastest (my squares are still at my mom's house!).

Edit: I am using the larger square pattern and my # 7 (US) Clover bamboo needles and Red Heart Brand acrylic worsted weight yarn. I haven't measured them yet so they might be a little bit smaller than the requirements (8") for Rebuilding Greensburg, but they are also taking measurements that range from 7"-8.5" per what is listed below..... I did a little bit of cutting and pasting from Mrs. Sugar Bunny's blog -- she stated on her page for Greensburg:

ADDED MAY 14, 2007

What if my square is not exactly eight inches - is that okay?
Don't worry - send it anyway! I have read many other afghan project organizers say that the squares they receive are all over the map in the size range. This looks like it will be a big project y'all!! That gives us the luxury to sort squares by size. If your square is 7" or 7.5" or 8.5" or whatever, it will be sorted with other squares the same size so that when it's time to seam we won't have to worry about stretching or pulling ones into submission to conform with a larger or smaller square next to it. Send what you have - we can use them all!

What needle size should I use?
Use a needle size that will give you a fairly dense fabric. With worsted weight yarn that will probably be US 6, 7, or 8. If your stitches are a little loose you could double the yarn or add something else as a carry-along to add a little bulk. Two strands of sock yarn = worsted weight in most cases. A sport or DK + one strand of sock yarn will work well too!


I just want to encourage our new members to let us know a little about yourselves and what you are working on this summer. Please don't be shy about posting!

Also, I added a list of member blogs to the sidebar to make it easier to visit each other's blogs and get to know each other. Karen and I have discovered through email that we both went to the same university in California, although at different times. So you never know what you'll find out about each other! If I missed anyone's blog, please let me know and I will add the link immediately.

Time seems to be a little short this week, but I will try to finish up a square or two and post pictures in a few days.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

We've Been Added... the 2007 Knit-Along list! Welcome to anyone who found us over there! If anyone has any other ideas for advertising this "along", please let me know. I would love to get a few more members.