Here is a picture of Rebuilding Greensburg Squares #11-#16.
Now all I need to do is finish 2 facecloths and I will be ready to send this package off to Mrs. Laura.
I will be beginning my mitered squares for my own blanket now. I think I will try to get enough squares made to put it together as a wedding gift for G or at least that is the plan right now depends on how things go with all this other stuff we are doing.
Edit: After catching up on some blog reading I came back to this post and looked at my squares. It never dawned on me until today that I had knit 4 Harry Potter inspired squares (they may not be exact colors but close enough)--the ones on the left are a dead ringer match for Ravenclaw (book and movie colors), Gryffindor, and Slytherin. I don't own any black yarn so Hufflepuff just will have to be left out.
Oh and look---
My dad brought me this shirt back from his motorcycle trip. You can read more about that over in my blog.
I love the 2-color squares! They are very pretty. And you are right about the Harry Potter house colors!
Love the squares and love the shirt from dad.
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